Saturday , November 9 2024

AAUA Part-time Admission List Out – 2017/2018

AAUA Part-time (IPTP) admission list for 2017/2018 academic session is out. This is to inform all candidates who applied for admission into the part-time programmes of the Adekunle Ajasin University that the list of admitted candidates has been released.

Candidates are to visit the school's portal to check their admission status online.

How To Check AAUA Part-time Admission List

Fresh Students Registration Procedures
Steps    Description(What to do?)

1    Ensure you check your admission status following the procedure above.
You have to check admission status to know if you have been offered admission or not.

If you have received a message on your phone for an offer of admission, please still check your admission status because details on the payment of your acceptance fees @ the bank has been stated in your admission status details.

2    Confirm your acceptance fee payment.
After acceptance fee payment has been made in bank on REMITA platform, you will be giving a payment receipt containing your RRR (Remita Retrieval Reference) Number. Please, enter these numbers during acceptance fee confirmation to confirm that you have paid the specified amount to the bank. Until this is done, you will not be able to proceed to the next stage.

3    Print your admission letter.
If your acceptance fee payment confirmation has been done successfully, then you have to print your admission letter and if confirmation was not successful, please contact the help desk for assistance

4    Account/Login.
For Fresh Students: Your Application Number is your USERNAME and your SURNAME (In CAPITAL LETTERS) is your password.

5    Complete your profile [i.e your biodata form appropriately
In this stage, you will be required to supply all the necessary information about yourself. Ensure that you fill them accordingly and appropriately

During this process, you will be requested to supply your O'level result result which the system will used to screen you and if your screening is successful, you can then print your school fees payment invoice and pay your school fees @ the bank. If your screening is not successful, your will not be able to pay your school fees in bank and you can contact the help desk for assistance.

6    Generate invoice(RRR) for your school fee payment.
Goto Payment, select the payment type, the session of payment and semester, Generate RRR and pay @ the any bank on REMITA platform only. After payment has been made in bank, you will be giving a payment receipt containing your RRR number. Please, enter these numbers during fee confirmation to confirm that you have paid the specified amount to the bank. Until this is done, you will not be able to complete your course registration form online.

7    Complete your course registration
In this stage, you will be required to select all your courses for the contact session and submit them to mark yourself registered for the contact session

Please note that if you fail to register your courses online , you will not have result for that contact session, you will be required to select all your courses for the contact session and submit them to mark yourself registered for the contact session

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