Wednesday , February 12 2025

Important Things Every Corps Member Need To Bring Along To Orientation Camp

If you have been mobilized for NYSC, there are important things your are expected to bring to camp. Many corps members often make the mistake of not bringing some of these items along to the orientation camp only to wish they have done so moment they step into the camp. Some of these item are so important that without them you will not be allowed inside the camp and some others are what you need on daily basis to make your stay in camp a little bit less frustrating (you will understand what I mean by that when you finally arrive camp).

So let’s get it rolling! Below are the list of very important things you should not forget to take to camp as a corp member;

For the sake of clarity and emphasis I will present them according to their order of priority.

1. Your NYSC Call-Up Letter: You will be required to present this the moment you step into the camp for your first registration. Do not forget that this is the only document to prove that you are a newly posted corp member. So do not joke with it. Eben if you forget every other thing I am going to list here, do not forget this one. In addition you are to go with photocopies of this document, because it will likely be required subsequently for other registrations. Many new corps member (Otondo) are usually sent back home for not coming to camp with this document.

N.B Do not LAMINATE this Document. It may be rejected by NYSC Officials if you do so.

2. A signed copy of your Green Card 

3. Your Students’ IDENTITY CARD or Stamped Letter of Identification from your school : This should be stamped and signed.

4. Statement Of Your Result from the School you graduated

5. Originals And Photocopies Of All Related Documents: It is advisable that you make at least 10 photocopies of each of the  documents you uploaded during your NYSC registration as well of the ones I have mentioned above. It is true that you can make photocopies of these documents in camp but to save  cost (The cost of these things is on the high side in camp) and time it is better you bring them along with you to camp.

7. Passport Photographs: All most every single form you will fill in camp will require you to attach a passport photograph. You may need up to 15 passport photographs. Also ensure they all have red background.

9. Certificates/Licenses: Corps members that studies Professional courses like medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing etc will be required to present their proof of certification . e.g Certificates of Registration with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (NMDCN) and Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) for medical and pharmacy graduates respectively.

10. STATIONERY: you will need pen, gum, stapler, files etc.

11. All White Wears: All through your stay in camp you will always be on white . You may be allowed to only wear something different on Sundays or on special occasion when you will be required to wear your official NYSC dress (your khaki apparel).

It is true that in camp you will be given 2 white T-shirts, 2 white knickers and a pair of white Snickers or converse. However the truth is that these may not serve you due to its low quality and the fact you may not be able to wash everyday. Hence the need to bring yours to the camp.

12. Other Items You Need On Daily Basis; Padlock (for your bag), Waist pouch (for carrying personal items like phones and your money), Mosquito net, Antiseptic or Disinfectant, Detergent, Bucket, Food flask, Cup, Toiletries, Bedding, Rechargeable lantern or Torch light, Slippers, pain relievers like paracetamol (you may need this after some few days of drills), Beverages, Cash (you will definitely need money in camp. You should budget 15,000 – 20,000 or more depending on your ability to manage or economize).

All of these items mentioned in number 12 can be purchased in the popular mammy market in camp. However, the prices are usually on the high side. It is very much cheaper to bring them along to the camp.

Now you’ve known the necessary things you need to come to camp with, why not share with your friends and other corps members using our social sharing buttons so they get to know too!

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  1. Starkindness

    I have got a new idea
    Thank you

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