Thursday , February 13 2025

Scholarship Winning Tips And Guide

If you are looking to secure a scholarship; whether a partial or fully-funded scholarship to pursue your studies as an undergraduate or a postgraduate student, there are some details and tips you shouldn’t neglect if you really desire your application to come out successful. It is said that nothing good comes easy. You need to be proactive, persistent and prepared. So let’s get down to it.

1. Keep Tabs on Ongoing Scholarships
It is likely not going to be all scholarship offers that will interest you. Search the internet and be on the lookout for the ones that meet your interest. Looking for a scholarship is work and you have to see it that way. Here on, we ensure we keep you updated with juicy scholarship offers. So you can always visit for new updates.

There may be more than one opening that interests you at the same time. So you may need to make a list of these opportunities; taking note of their deadlines so you won’t miss any of such opportunities and to ensure you apply within the specified timeline. It is also a good idea to keep all the relevant documents you need ready and handy.

2. Pay Attention To Details
Many applicants are often quick to send in their application once they see a scholarship application they have interest in without first taking time to read all relevant instructions and information concerning the scholarship. Every scholarship has its own specifications (eligibility /requirements, application guidelines). If you fail to apply in line with these specifications, you have only succeeded in making the selection process easier because your application simply won’t count.

Always take time to go through the instructions as well as terms and conditions of every scholarship offer before sending in your application. If there are points you need clarifications on, there’s always a contact email or phone number attached to the scholarship publication. You can always reach the sponsors of the scholarship for clarifications via their contacts.

3. Be Outstanding
Applying for a scholarship is like applying for a job. By that, I mean that there are indicators in your application that should be able to convince the sponsors of the scholarships that you are the right candidate for the scholarship. In other words, your application should be outstanding. Some scholarships will demand that you write an essay explaining why you are best qualified for the scholarship. In this case, don’t fail to point out your outstanding qualities, achievements,  etc Most scholarships (If not all) are awarded on the basis of outstanding performances and excellence. Bring whatever relevant strength you have to the fore.

If you are required to present a motivational letter or essay with regard to the scholarship, make sure it sounds convincing and devoid of grammatical mistakes. It is advisable to give it to someone else to proof-read before you submit. You should also ensure it provides an answer to the following;

  •  Your reasons or motives for your application
  •  How your qualifications meet the requirement
  • Why you are a suitable candidate for the scholarship

4. Be organized And Well Packaged
How well organized and packaged your application is can make a lot of difference especially if the application documents are to be sent via post, your choice of envelope size, resume/CV font type (use clear and formal font types), and overall presentation of your scholarship application package will definitely go along way in determining how the judges will rate you.  Things can work in your advantage if you take care of these little details and ensure you do things the right way.

5. Use Credible References/Referees
Some scholarships may require that you provide referees or references. If that is the case, ensure you carefully select persons that can vouch for your skills, experience, and qualifications. Also, ensure you give them heads up on the requirements and qualifications needed. So they will be able to vouch for you in the most effective and convincing manner!

6. Avoid Last Call
Do all you can to avoid late application. Most times, late applications end up not being considered. Ensure you send in your application within the first few days or weeks of the announcement depending on the specified application period.

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  1. Am really interested in this scholarship

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