Candidates participating in the 2024 mock exam would like to know when the JAMB mock results would be released. Even candidates that will not participate are eager to know the outcome of the results. At the moment, JAMB has not officially announced when the mock results will be out.
However, we expect the mock results to be released any moment from now. It usually takes 24 to 48 hours for JAMB to release the results. However, we do not know if JAMB will maintain the same standard this year. Once we receive information that the mock results have been officially released, we will inform you.
The results may either be sent to candidates’ email addresses or as text messages to their phones. JAMB may equally provide a link for candidates to check the result on JAMB’s portal.
We advise candidates who participated in the mock exam and would like to know their results to regularly check their emails. We will equally inform you if JAMB provides the official link for checking the mock result.
After the UTME mock, the next is the main exam. Have you downloaded and activated the First Class learners app and software for the 2024 JAMB exam? do so now via these links:
Download First Class JAMB CBT App 2024 for Android phones and tablets
Download First Class JAMB CBT Software 2024 for computer systems (DESKTOP/LAPTOP)
They are designed specially to help candidates adequately prepare for the forthcoming JAMB exam as it contains all you need to excel. As we mentioned earlier once we receive information that the mock results have been officially released, we will inform you all.
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