Monday , February 10 2025

What JAMB candidates should know before choosing course and school

This post is a guide to choosing the right course and school during JAMB registration. Many candidates are often confused when it comes to what course and what school to study because they do not have the right information. In this post, I have taken the time to provide a clear guide on how to pick the right course and institution.

Before you continue, have you downloaded and activated the First Class JAMB CBT Mobile App for Android phones and Software for Computer systems? Now is the right time to do so and start your preparation for the exam. On the app, you will enjoy the following:

  • Chapter-by-chapter summary and possible questions from the new JAMB Text, “The Lekki Headmaster”
  • Access to thousands of JAMB questions and answers without an internet connection
  • A Mock exam to help you understand the JAMB CBT environment
  • Study/Class notes that highlights key points and areas of focus
  • A robust Performance Analyzer that helps you know the areas to give more attention to and improve your score
  • A Readiness Checker to know how ready you are for the main exam
  • And much more

For Android Phones and Android TabletsDOWNLOAD HERE
For Computer Systems: Windows 10 or HigherDOWNLOAD HEREWindows 7 and 8DOWNLOAD HERE

How To Choose a Course of Study

Apart from making sure that you have the right subjects for the course you want to study, you equally need to consider a course you have the academic aptitude and passion for.  To help you make a good decision on that, I would like you to take time to ask yourself the following; What area of life would I love  or have to offer my contribution? What are my Natural abilities or talents (The things you do so well and yet easily)? What subjects am I really good at and have interest in?  Why go for an engineering course when you know how you struggled in Secondary School to make a “C” in Physics and Mathematics.

Many students have been asked to withdraw by their schools due to their inability to cope with the demands of the courses they are studying. This is something they could have avoided if they had gone for a course they are good at.

Choosing a School

Candidates should also be informed before making the decision concerning which school to choose. Major things to consider are if the school offers the course you want to study and if the school is good at it. The second this is  the cost of fees. Federal schools are cheaper in terms of cost compared to state- schools and private schools.

So it is advisable that you make research,  check the JAMB brochure to know if they offer your course, ask questions from students who have attended such schools and try to get details of their experience studying such courses in that school.

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