Thursday , February 13 2025

NYSC Orientation Exercise: All You Should Know Before Leaving For Camp

Every year, many graduates in Nigeria are mobilized for the compulsory one year National Youth Service. Most of these prospective corps members have little or no idea on what to expect right from the  moment they arrive the orientation camp. Like the saying goes, information is power. When you are informed you are better positioned to handle issues and situations better than some one who isn’t informed.

The essence of this post is to give necessary information to corps members preparing to go for their NYSC orientation exercise.

NYSC Orientation Exercise: All You Should Know Before Leaving For Camp

Get your Mind Prepared: The first this is to get your mind prepared. Yeah! the truth is that you do not know for sure what to expect. You are leaving to a state you probably have not been to before. You will likely meet people that have a language or a way of life are quite different from the one you are use to. To add to that, you may not find the drilling you’re going to face in the camp funny. So, prepare your mind for the unexpected.

Remember All you Need: There are official and unofficial document/items you are expected to bring to camp. The official items will be needed during your registration the moment you arrive campy while the unofficial ones are the basic things you need day-to-day while in camp. You can check complete list and details of every official and unofficial item you are expected to bring to camp has been put lined on this link: Important Things Every Corps Member Need To Bring Along To Orientation Camp

Go To Camp On Time: It is usually advisable that you go to camp at least a day before the commencement of registration in camp especially if the state you were deployed is far from your location. Don’t think you are going to be the only one in camp. Many camp officials will be on ground already as well as other corps members coming from far away stated.

Screening: The moment you get to the camp gate, your screening starts. This will begin with the checking of your bags. If you have any prohibited item, it will be confiscated at this point and will only be released to you during your departure from camp so it is better you do not go with any of such prohibited items. As a matter of fact what ever item not found on the link: Important Things Every Corps Member Need To Bring Along To Orientation Camp is not necessary for your stay in camp and should be left behind.

Verification/Registration: After your are checked at the gate, the next will be allocation of hostel and subsequently submission of relevant documents for verification and documentation. Ensure you follow every instruction given strictly. A code number will be given to you. This is like your identity number. you will also be given your NYSC kit. Ensure you mark the items in your kit with your code number for easy identification. A meal ticket will also be given to you which you will use to  get food from the camp kitchen. There are chances you may not like the food, but not to worry, you can always sort your self out at the mammy market but the cost will be on you.

No  Casual Wears: Once you have been given your NYSC kit, you will no longer be allowed to wear anything else except your white T-shirt and knicker all through your 21 days in camp, except may be on Sundays.

Daily Routine: For almost all through the 21 days you will be in camp, you are expected to go to the parade ground morning and evening. The soldiers will be your guide on that. For the morning parade, you mat be woken up by the soldiers as early as 4:am. I  must confess this is the most stressful part of the whole camp experience. So better have that in mind. Every day in camp is the same set activities. Sounds boring right? Once you come back from the parade found in the morning, the next thing will be break fast. After breakfast comes lectures/ skills acquisition classes . Almost Immediately after that is lunch, then evening parade followed by dinner. The next day the routine continues.

Other stuff To Note In Camp

-Soldiers are part of camp officials, so in your own interest try to respect and comply with them regarding camp rules and regulations. Though they are not permitted to rough handle you, they have the right to punish you if need be depending on the offence committed. If what the offence committed is very severe, you may be decamped- sent away from camp. .

-Your first allowance including the one referred to as bicycle allowance will be paid within the 2nd – 3rd week of your stay in camp. That is the only allowance that will be paid in cash. The rest will be wired into the bank account you will be made to open after you have left camp.

-You will not be allowed to leave camp within the 3 weeks of your stay unless in it is an emergency. That is why it is important you go to camp with all the necessary items.

Departure From Camp: On the day of departure from camp, you will be given your posting letter which will indicate where will be your place of primary assignment. Usually up to 90% of corps members will be posted to secondary schools. Once your receive your Posting letter, endeavor to visit your place of primary assignment.

Do not worry how you are going to get there. There are Corps members associations and Fellowships like NCCF, RCCF etc that will provide transportation to the local government where your PPA is located within the state. Better still take public transport to the place if need be. Ensure you go to your place of primary Assignment and locate our employer.

He/She can either accept or reject you. If you are accepted, you are to report to your Local Government Area (the Local Government Area your PPA is located) NYSC secretariat for necessary documentation. If you are rejected on the other hand, you are to equally report to the NYSC secretariat also to be re-posted. Ensure you are accepted in your place of primary assignment and complete the necessary registration at the NYSC secretariat before travelling (if you need to).

Accommodation: One you have been accepted in your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA), the next thing you should think about is accommodation. In terms of accommodation, some PPA’s do provide accommodation. In the absence of one, accommodations are often provided by Corps members associations and fellowships. If there is none, then you may have to rent an accommodation close to your place of primary assignment.


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