We have received many questions from candidates concerning when JAMB will send their exam slips or allow them to print the slip from the portal so as to know their specific venue, date, and time for the main exam.
JAMB has officially announced the date for the printing of the 2024 exam slip. The printing of the exam slip will to begin April 10th. Candidates will have their slips placed on their profiles. JAMB is also expected to provide an online link for candidates to print their exam slips directly from JAMB’s website.
JAMB may also decide to send the exam slips via email. So we advise candidates are advised to check their email addresses regularly for any notification concerning the printing of the exam slip from JAMB. When checking your email address, please ensure you check both your inbox and SPAM folder as the message may be delivered in your SPAM folder instead of the inbox.
Nevertheless, once JAMB officially announces the commencement of the exam slip printing or opens the portal for candidates to print their slips, we will definitely inform you.
Intensify your preparation towards the exam now by downloading and activating the First Class JAMB CBT Mobile App for Android phones and Software for Computer systems. The app and software are specially designed to help you adequately prepare for the 2024 UTME. So help yourself by downloading and activating now! To download now, use the links below:
- Download First Class JAMB CBT App 2024 for Android phones and tablets
- Download First Class JAMB CBT Software 2024 for computer systems (DESKTOP/LAPTOP)
Why The JAMB Exam Slip Is Important
1. The main reason is to be able to know your exact date for the exam as well as the venue and the time. It is advisable that candidates know their exam venue on time in case it is somewhere they are not too familiar with, they will have time to ask questions about the venue or location or visit the venue before the exam instead of wasting time on the day of the exam looking around for the venue.
2. The exam slip will be required by the invigilators before you can be allowed into the exam hall. So apart from the purpose of knowing your date, time, and venue, you are required to go to the exam hall with at least a copy of the exam slip in order to be allowed into the hall.
3. JAMB will not allow candidates to go into the hall with any other paper except the JAMB exam slip. For candidates who may take subjects that require calculations, the only paper that will be available for you to use is your exam slip.
4. In case you lose your original registration slip, the printed exam slip will serve as proof that you registered for the exam. It contains almost every information that is on the registration slip.
When will the jamb main exam commence