Monday , February 10 2025

JAMB Exam Experience and Important Updates For Candidates Yet To Write

As the  2024 JAMB exam continues, candidates who have taken the exam have shared some of their experiences and important points they observed during the exam which other candidates yet to take the exam should learn from. This will help you know what to expect. So ensure you go through this post before your own exam day. Now, based on what we have gathered from the experiences of candidates that participated in the examination, below are the important things you should bear in mind.

If you are yet to take the ongoing JAMB exam, you need to practice daily with the First Class learners JAMB exam app or software before your exam and be ready for the JAMB exam. In case you have not downloaded and activated yours, download now via the links below;

The Same questions Are Given To candidates in the same Session: We gathered that candidates for each of the sessions each day are usually given the same set of questions to answer. However, the questions are not arranged accordingly. For instance, the No 1 questions for candidate “A” may be the number 10 question for candidate “B”.

Ensure You Answer At  Least 10 Questions In All The Subjects: According to one of the candidates who wrote the examination, one of the instructions on the screen says that candidates are to ensure that they answer at least 10 questions in each of the subjects or else they won’t have results after the examination. This is to say for instance if you answer a good number of questions in English, Chemistry, and Biology and did not answer up to 10 questions in Physics, you will have no result. We do not know for sure if that is true. However, ensure you read the instructions displayed after you have logged in before answering the questions. If there is any of the instructions that is not clear to you, call the attention of the supervisor.

JAMB Sets New questions For each day and Session: We’ve discovered that Many JAMB candidates yet to take the JAMB exam to spend enough time on the internet looking for questions and answers that were given to candidates that have already written the exam with the hope that the questions may be repeated by JAMB. However, from the information, we obtained from candidates who participated in the exam today. They were given a different question entirely. So don’t go searching for questions asked to candidates who sat for the examination before you with the hope of cramming the questions and answers. It won’t work because your questions and theirs will not be the same even if you guys have the same subject combinations.

Rough Sheet May or May Not be provided for calculations: Some JAMB candidates said they were provided with rough sheet for calculations while some said they were not provided with one. Whatever be the case, we advise candidates their subjects involves calculations to go with an extra copy of their exam slip so they can use that for calculations.

Do Not Waste Time with the calculator: We learnt that many JAMB candidates had issues using the on-screen calculator. This is because each time you want to select a digit or number on the calculator, you have to scroll/navigate with the computer mouse to locate the particular digit, number, or function you want to select. Many of them complained that this process consumed their time unnecessarily. So the advice is this: If you meet questions that involve the use of the calculator, skip them and answer those ones that do not require you to use the calculator first. You can always come back to the ones that require a calculator if there is still time instead of wasting the whole time trying to solve them.

IMPORTANT READ: Before you go for your exam, ensure you have read everything in the links below. If you have read them before and forgotten, please read again. They are highly necessary for your success.

  1. Things You Should Know And Do A Day Before Your JAMB Exam
  2. JAMB CBT Exam: Answers And Solutions To Frequently Asked Questions
  3. How To Answer JAMB CBT Exam Questions And Score High
  4. JAMB Exam: 7 Important Things You Must Know Before Exam Day
  5. How To Write JAMB CBT Exam: Complete Tutorial
  6. Important Updates On JAMB CBT Exam You Need To Know
  7. JAMB Life Changer Possible Questions And Answers

More from 2024 JAMB Exam Experiences

JAMB Is Serious About Prohibited Items: One of the candidates who took the exam narrated how a girl was not allowed to write the exam until she agreed to take off her MEDICATED GLASSES or bring proof in form of a medical report that the glasses were actually medicated! He added that many other candidates had to take off their, handkerchiefs, papers and even earrings and throw them on the floor so they could be allowed into the hall.

Be Very Fast In Answering Questions: Due to some delays before the exam was able to commence, Many candidates complained that they were not allowed to use the allocated time for the exam which is 2 hours. They were hurried by the invigilators and the 2 hours were not allowed to elapse before the systems automatically submitted their answers.

Eat Well Before Going For The Exam: Due to technical issues, some exams which were scheduled to commence at 7 am, finally commenced around 1 pm and as such, many candidates were already very hungry and tired before the exam started. Imagine writing an exam like JAMB while very hungry. We advise candidates to eat well before going for the exam or take a snack or sandwich to their exam centre in case there is a long delay before the exam starts.

A good number of Past questions were repeated in all the subjects: We have emphasized it over and over again that one way to do well in the JAMB examination is to practice past questions. Well, JAMB candidates that participated in the exam so far have admitted that a good number of past questions were repeated. Though not exactly the way they were asked in the past questions. So I say again; if you have not been practicing JAMB past questions, you’ve not been studying smart.

If you are yet to take the ongoing JAMB exam, you need to practice daily with the First Class learners JAMB exam app as your final revision before the exam. In case you have not downloaded and activated yours, download now via the links below;

If you have participated in the ongoing 2024 JAMB exam and you can equally share your experiences with us using the comment box. It will be highly appreciated.

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  1. Sammyboi

    The exam make
    But omor
    Dem need to add time to we d engineer students
    It’s not funny at all
    Not that the questions were hard, they were way to simple
    But that time and stupid calculator 🤔🤔

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