Sunday , February 16 2025

University of Benin (UNIBEN) Admission List 2024/2025 Out

Many candidates have been asking, “Has UNIBEN Released Admission List For 2024/2025? Is UNIBEN Admission List Out? the answer is Yes. See how to check your admission status below;

This is to inform the public that UNIBEN admission list for 2023/2024 academic session has been released. Those who participated in UNIBEN admission screening exercise can now proceed and check if their names are on the list.

You can actually check Uniben admission list on both Jamb caps and Uniben Kofa. The Uniben admission list has been uploaded on Jamb caps but not yet on the WAEUP KOFA Portal.

Check UNIBEN Admission list on JAMB CAPS

Please Kindly Follow the procedure outlined below:

  • 1. Visit: login with your registered email address and password to access your dashboard
  • 2. Click on ‘Check Admission Status,
  • 3. Click on ‘Access my CAPS’
  • 4. Click on ‘Admission Status’ to see if you have been offered admission.

How To Check Uniben Admission list on Uniben Kofa Page

The list is NOT yet on the school’s portal. When it becomes available, candidates can check it via the procedure below:

  1. Visit Uniben official admission checking portal at
  2. Provide your username and password in the appropriate boxes. Your username and password are the ones uniben gave you during registration.
  3. Click on login.
  4. A new page opens, which contains your application record or history and post utme details.
  5. If admitted, you would see it in the slip and the course you are admitted into.
  6. If you are not offered admission in the first batch, your slip will still be showing submitted.
  7. f you are still seeing SUBMITTED, then you have not been given admission yet which means that you still have hope of being admitted.
  8. If you belong to number 6 above then continue checking as their will be updating the list.
  9. But if You Are seeing NOT ADMITTED, Then Sorry, UNIBEN did not consider you for admission.

Only those who merit the admission will see their names on the Uniben admission list. To merit admission means to score far above your departmental cut off mark a well as meet other necessary requirements for admission.

Don’t forget that, Uniben 1st batch admission list in mainly based on merit. The good news is that even if you missed the first and second batch, other admission lists will still be released. You can always use the steps above to check if your name has been included in UNIBEN 2024/2025 Admission list

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  1. Promise

    My jamb caps is still showing not admitted and uniben have started giving admission

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